Glass of Wine


Wine is clarified to achieve brilliance, protein stability, a longer filter life, the removal of unwanted components, oxidation-reduction stability, organoleptic improvement, … while trying to respect the color, structure, and character of the original product.

Only recently have instruments become available to evaluate the interactions that adjuvants have in all these processes.

Studying the mechanisms of clarification and fining has led to the development of innovative materials selected via an evaluation of the surface charge, that leave the structure of the wine unaffected.


Name Specificity Use Note
CLARITO® FITO K Mix of vegetal proteins, with clarifying and stabilizing action. Employed for the clarification of both musts and wines for which a remarkable correction of the chromatic component is required. Allergen Free
CLARITO® K Poly Compound formula with clarifying and stabilizing action Is used for the clarification of both must and wine. The presence of specific organic clarifying agents gives oxidized wines its freshness back, while helping to eliminate the possibility of anomalous odors. A broad action spectrum
CLARITO® MILD SG Protein-Based, tannin-removing microgranulated clarifying agent of high solubility particularly recommended in the clarification of red wines, especially in the final treatment stages of maturation. CLARITO® MILD attenuates a wine’s tannic character and oxidized odor. It works on even the most bitter tannins. Soluble in cold water
CLARITO® SP - WANAX® LINE Poly-compound clarifying agent with high stabilization capacity Specifically used to improve the characteristics of oxidized white and rosé wines, to limit the tannin content of young red wines, to eliminate the sensation of oxidation, and to improve the hue of aged red wines. Allergen Free
CLARITO® SPRAY DRY Very pure potassium caseinate Using it in oxidized wine strongly reduces the oxidative alteration, partly restoring the aromatic characteristics of the product. Furthermore, using it together with bentonite during fermentation makes organoleptically finer wines possible. A specific desiccation process for an optimal solubility
CLARITO® SUPERFLOW Based on vegetal proteins, developed for quick and effective clarifications. Highly recommended for the treatment of wines and vinegars which are particularly difficult to clarify, in order to obtain high improvements of the product's filterability. Excellent performances for difficult-to-treat red wines. No Caseinate, no albumine, allergen Free
FITOFERM Poly-compound formulation with clarifying and stabilizing action for musts in fermentation It contributes to the must's protein stabilization and to the removal of unwanted poly-phenolic substances. The desired effect is to reach, at the end of fermentation, a clear separation of gross lees while granting fresher flavours and generally a higher sensory clearness. Allergen Free
FITOPROTEINA P Specific tannin-removing clarifier of vegetal origin Action at the sensory level: it removes the more astringent and roughest tannins in the form of tanno-protein compounds. It is therefore generally recommended during wines’ clarifications and final processing Allergen Free